Not a bit sad, dismantling the Christmas tree


So our long New Year and Christmas holidays are coming to an end! And thank God!

No, I really love the New Year and all the chores associated with it. And how I love to decorate the Christmas tree! Every year I always buy some new jewelry or make it myself. Here, last year I collected ordinary pine cones and spray-painted them in silver and gold. The bumps turned out amazing!

And I love making Christmas gifts. Here, of course, you have to break your head … The easiest way is to give gifts to your sister. Everything that would be needed, I would like — she will definitely need it and she will like it. ?No problems with the eldest grandson: “Bab Natasha, don’t worry, give money!”. With other relatives and friends, you need to connect your imagination .. And I like to prepare New Year’s gifts. Here, of course, you have to break your head … The easiest way is to give gifts to your sister. Everything that would be needed, I would like — she will definitely need it and she will like it. ?No problems with the eldest grandson: “Bab Natasha, don’t worry, give money!”. With other relatives and friends, you need to connect fantasy ..

And I love making Christmas gifts. Here, of course, you have to break your head … The easiest way is to give gifts to your sister. Everything that would be necessary, I would like it — she will definitely need it and she will like it. ?No problems with the eldest grandson: “Bab Natasha, don’t worry, give money!” With other relatives and friends, you need to connect fantasy ..

But when life returns to normal after the holidays, I love even more.

And parsing the Christmas tree is a sign that the new year has already fully come into its own. And he will definitely bring with him all the good things that we wished for ourselves. Well, of course, it will not bring it by itself, and we will have to resist …

Parsing the Christmas tree means that winter is already passing through its middle. After all, we usually dismantle the Christmas tree after the Old New Year, after January 14th. And if winter passes through the middle, then not today or tomorrow is the time to sow flower seeds for seedlings. I usually start with petunias. And if petunias are sown, then it’s almost spring! And if spring … then there is a stone’s throw before the holidays!

And our holidays are so long that I even get tired of resting. I get tired of constant visits and receptions. As my friend says: “I love it when guests come. But how I love it when they GO!

What do we do on holidays

This year, our weather played a cruel joke on us: all the holidays, the frost “pressed” to 40 degrees and below. During the day it was «warm» up to -35. But how sunny! Apart from jokes, we have only a little less sunny days a year than in Sochi. Yes, of course, we live in Siberia, and frosts under 40 degrees happen here. But for low temperatures to last so long — this is the first time in my memory. Usually a day or two — and «lets go.» Well, 5 days is a maximum … And this time — exactly two weeks …

It is clear that all our grandiose plans were covered, how to put it mildly … with a copper basin, here … We planned to go skiing almost every day — both cross-country and mountain skiing. We have a lot of good slopes and ski resorts nearby… But, really: if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans…

We are sitting at home. Cooking goodies. The husband even began to promote repairs in his son’s room (not otherwise, to a change in the weather!). And I took up needlework. What I did — I will show in the next article, I have not prepared another photo.

I re-read almost all of my favorite Tatyana Ustinova. In my opinion, none of the modern authors write such light, lyrical and ironic detective stories. In the end, a happy ending is a must. And this is good. We have enough stories with an unhappy ending in real life.

Now I have taken up the trilogy «Russian Canary» by Dina Rubina. If you haven’t read it, be sure to read it, I think you should like it …

I don’t like to watch movies very much, but I like to read more. And I especially love paper books.

Yes, they also did an important job: since the ski trips didn’t work out, we decided to go to a paid dentistry (they work on holidays too) and conduct an audit, treat some little things. This is of course less pleasant, but also very useful.

And what is your mood, dear readers, in the final days of the long holidays? Were you able to accomplish what you set out to do? Or, like us, had to stay at home? With what mood do you dismantle the Christmas tree?

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