How to become rich in Russia.


Agree, this is already a template, an axiom: all wealthy people in Russia were originally thieves. I would argue with this statement, because I know closely at least a few people, of course, not oligarchs, but also quite wealthy, and they have never been thieves …

Andrey and I were in the same class. He has been at this school since the very first grade, and I, who “came in large numbers” with my parents from a warm republic to a Siberian village, have been since the 7th grade. Andrey and I both studied well, and from the first day a kind of sports rivalry was established between us in our studies. Andrey was not a nerd, but a very quick-witted guy with an excellent memory. In high school, he got «fours», as it turned out that in life there are a lot of different interesting things, besides studying (girls, songs with a guitar until the morning, motorcycles, wine …), and the guy devoted only the time he had to to study. was to be held in the classrooms.

Andrey was singled out, as they would say now, by unconventional thinking. He was not a rebel, but some freethinking was always characteristic of him. And in the 9th-10th grade, he no-no, and yes, he asked the teachers an uncomfortable question. That our communist ladies, first of all, teachers of literature and history, were very tense and annoyed. I think that’s partly why they stopped giving him A’s.

Nevertheless, after graduating from school, in 1985, Andrei easily entered the extremely prestigious Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (now the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School). But he stayed there for only six months: after all, it was just necessary to think and act according to patterns there! After the school — a year and a half in the army (study at the school was counted in the service life), then — the history department of the pedagogical institute. At the institute, Andrei met his wife.

After graduating from the institute, in the early 90s, young people came to the girl’s homeland, to a large village, played a wedding. And they stayed with their wife’s parents. And with the money donated for the wedding, they rented a room, bought goods and opened their first store. Andrey on the «six» father-in-law carried goods, the young wife was a seller …

Then there were the second, the third… the fifteenth stores, all over the district… The teachers didn’t work a single day.

Andrei and Svetlana lived modestly. For a very long time, already having a chain of stores, they lived in a small two-room apartment, drove an old small Toyota. The house was built by ourselves, for several years.

Having established the work of the trading network, Andrey, as he said, “picked up” a dying collective farm, plunged into the study of agriculture, took a very large loan at his own peril and risk. Then the year 2008 struck… “How we survived,” he says, “I am surprised myself…” However, they survived. «Picked up» another, breathing its last, agricultural enterprise. By that time, the trading network had been reduced: there was a lot of fuss, but not enough benefits. They left five shops and two cafes, which Svetlana was now engaged in, and Andrei completely immersed himself in the “collective farm” work.

Being a farmer is not for everyone. Photo from Yandex. Pictures. For illustration purposes only. Being a farmer is not for everyone. Photo from Yandex. Pictures. For illustration purposes only.

They have two adults, prosperous children, and an established business. There are practically no vacations. Rarely, rarely, they allow themselves to go to the sea for 10 days … About 400 people work at the enterprises of Andrey and Svetlana.

In his native village, Andrey does not appear often, 2 times a year. Supports children’s sports teams financially at home (buys equipment, uniforms). Established and annually holds children’s sports tournaments in memory of his parents, who have worked as doctors in our district for many years. Tournament participants receive very good prizes and memorable gifts. I don’t know if Andrey is still doing any charitable work, but he himself doesn’t spread much.

Here is such a modest, and even boring biography. No prison, no scams. But only everyday work … No, of course, there was some risk, as in any business. There were also failures (droughts happened several times and there was a crop failure …). But Andrei was always guided by the principle: it is better to do and regret than not to do , and then regret all your life.

His support was and remains Svetlana. This is a woman who always, all her life, studies: first she studied accounting in trade, then at an agricultural enterprise. I studied advertising — on my own, from books, and took courses. Separately studied the science of personnel management.

Was there an element of luck in their lives? — Of course, it was. In the early 90s, trade brought a very good profit, therefore, they, firstly, were lucky with the time they started their business (although even then many “burned out!”). Secondly, Andrei was very lucky with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, who at first allowed the young couple to live with them, and then provided great assistance in raising children.

When we meet, Andrei and I often argue to the point of hoarseness, sometimes then we don’t call each other for months. He does not understand why people who have a head, two arms and two legs manage to be unsuccessful. He says that life often throws up chances, and people are simply too lazy to use them. Often «runs» on our less successful classmates, trying to set them on the «true path». On the go, he throws them options, as he believes, win-win, for starting their own business. And he wonders why no one listens to him. I’m trying to explain that all people are different, and not everyone’s head works the way his … Business is not given to everyone … But it is impossible to convince Andryukha … He is firmly convinced that an intelligent person cannot be poor.

What are your thoughts on this?

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