With such a charter, you can go to any monastery!


I am writing in hot pursuit. A few minutes ago, central TV showed an excerpt from an interview with Maria Zakharova, our well-known diplomat. And the lady spoke about someone: “… He invited him to HIS birthday …”

Nothing scratched? Actually, a birthday is OH, a day. And, speaking in Russian, you need to say: invited to your birthday. When such mistakes are made by the seller in the store — not good, but not critical. But when a diplomat! And even if the woman made a mistake, she misspoke — who doesn’t happen to! Why didn’t they cut out the bug?

Have you heard such masterpieces from journalists: «… in the year 2001…»?

When I was a teacher…

When I was a teacher (by the way, physical education), I had a class under my guidance. Physical education teachers are rarely class teachers, but this was accepted in our school. So, my eighth-graders constantly annoyed the Russian language teacher, and I asked the teacher to allow me to be present at the lesson in order to observe the students.

The teenagers didn’t do anything special, they just tried to be smart, and this annoyed the teacher very much. But the teacher himself (let me remind you — RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) poured pearls one after another.

I repeat verbatim: “Who has finished the work, LAY the notebooks on the edge of the table!” Or here’s another one: “Tell your mom, let her call me…” During the whole lesson it sounded: “Look in the textbook Okay!” This is a dialect word, meaning «as it should», «good». In everyday life it has the right to exist, but not in the mouth of a teacher in a Russian language lesson.

And here is how the primary school teacher advised the second-grader to clean up her satchel: “Come on, come on, RIP this SHADOW in your briefcase already!” The word «RAZETOVAY» in Altai sounds often and is universal: it replaces a huge number of verbs in cases where it is not possible to quickly find the right word. Funny word, no doubt! But the teacher, I think, should have a sufficient vocabulary, and it’s just a shame to use this “masterpiece” … And everything is clear about BADAK — the word is colloquial, semi-decent … And the teacher had no right to use it in a conversation with a little girl!

When I was a schoolgirl…

In the seventh grade, I moved with my parents from the southern city to the village, went to a rural school. The move was connected with the work of his father. At school, what struck me the most was the way the teachers spoke. At a mathematics lesson, the teacher said: “Simplify the expression …” How it cut the ear!

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad! Photo from public sources. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad! Photo from public sources.

Once I could not stand it and spoke out: “Olga Ivanovna, do not simplify, but simplify, that’s right!” To which Olga Ivanovna replied: “Our newcomer is too literate! Remember: you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your charter!” And they kicked me out of class. Naturally, I complained to my mother at home (to the Russian language teacher, by the way). Mom advised me not to “perform” anymore, so as not to complicate my life at the new school.

But we couldn’t resist! How can teachers be so illiterate?! The next skirmish occurred a week later, with a history teacher. He kept repeating: “It had a HUGE meaning …” But there is no such word — “HUGE” — does not exist! There is either «huge» or «huge». As a result, my mother was called to the school, to the director. The director, convicted of illiteracy, teachers started the same song — about someone else’s monastery. But the director, surprisingly, took my side with my mother. The man said: “If we are talking about the correctness of the Russian language, then with such a charter you can enter any monastery! It’s sad that the teenager turned out to be more competent than the teachers!

And in the new academic year, my mother already worked at this school as a teacher — at the invitation of the director …

I also learned a lesson for myself: excessive cleverness hurts. Those teachers whom I tried to teach to read and write made life difficult for me until the last days of school.

My sons are also naturally given a sense of language and a fairly high level of literacy. And they, in turn, tried, being schoolchildren, to point out speech errors to teachers. And already I advised my boys to calm down and not set the teachers against themselves. But it’s still a shame: why are teachers so illiterate?!

And what else I would like to note, having studied in urban and rural schools myself, having attended advanced training courses and many events in schools in cities and villages: the level of culture and literacy of teachers in the villages is an order of magnitude lower. Or even two orders of magnitude. They may know their subject very well (chemistry, for example, or mathematics), but illiterate speech devalues ​​everything.

My will, in pedagogical universities, would legalize the study of the Russian language from the first to the last year. And the ability to correctly place stress and coordinate endings would make one of the criteria for professional suitability. Eh, then, I’m afraid, there would be 10 percent of teachers left in schools … The rest would have to be “ask” due to illiteracy and, as a result, incompetence …

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