Why in some universities school C students receive an increased scholarship, while in others medalists barely “get out” with Cs


I am the mother of two students. One is studying for a master’s degree at the Pedagogical University, studying the history of the East, an excellent student. The other is a sophomore of one of the Novosibirsk technical universities, a three-year student. The nephew entered the first year of the university in the city of G …, studying for «fours-fives» in the specialty «Informatics in jurisprudence and economics.»

Children come, talk, share their impressions… In addition, I communicate a lot with my former students, who are now also studying in the second year of various universities in Siberia, and one girl is in St. Petersburg…

In the article «About literacy …» I already wrote that the level of most rural schools is much lower than urban ones. Therefore, those smart and hardworking guys who graduated from our rural school with medals or just “five” and successfully entered serious universities “on the budget”, study with great difficulty. The vast majority of rural honors students were left without scholarships after the very first semester… Some even had “tails” and had to take tests or exams several times.

University of water transport, where the son studies. Photo from Yandex. Pictures. University of water transport, where the son studies. Photo from Yandex. Pictures.

But here’s the paradox: in the university of the city of G located not far from us, the guys not only easily enter «on the budget», having 130-150 points. They also manage to study well: all of our former three-year-old students receive a scholarship. And those who studied with us at «4» — became excellent students at the university and receive an increased scholarship. The nephew said with resentment that in the first session he passed mathematics with a «4» — he did not answer one of the additional questions. And after him, several guys who answered somehow (“we write three, two in mind”) also received fours: the teacher said that he did not want to leave them without a scholarship, he gives them “fours” for the New Year, although they answered «three with a minus».

University of the city of G… Photo from Yandex. Pictures of the University of the City of G… Photos from Yandex. Pictures

Mom said: “Well done, did not complicate the lives of children!”. And I argued with her. I believe that it is thanks to such “teachers” and such universities that the roofs of our buildings are collapsing, roads become unusable immediately after they are put into operation, planes crash, and teachers teach the way they teach …

Moreover, in this wonderful university of the city of G … attractions of unheard-of generosity are regularly held. So, a familiar boy received 15,000 rubles for the New Year simply because his father once fought in a “hot spot”, and this boy is from a completely prosperous, not from a low-income family. Children raised by only one parent received 30,000 rubles each. Children left without parental care received 50,000 rubles each. Ordinary and social scholarships in this university are much higher than in any of the universities in Novosibirsk, Barnaul or Tomsk.

And the secret is this: the university of the city of G., the only one in the republic, lives exclusively at the expense of federal subsidies (practically, like the republic itself). And if the allocated money is not used, next year the funding will be reduced. But this cannot be allowed! And this year, there was a huge shortage even for state-funded places. But money must be mastered! They are mastered, finding the slightest reason …

Maybe I don’t know something, and so generously distribute money in other universities?

By the way, about the University of G…

Some time ago, on TV in the local news, from time to time there were ads that required such and such specialists. And a postscript: graduates of the University of the city of G … please do not worry …

It is said that now the level of education at this university has increased markedly. But, watching how school three-year-olds there and today turn into excellent students or almost excellent students, I very much doubt it …

Recently, the youngest son, who has no tails, but is rather difficult to study in Novosibirsk, hinted that maybe it would be nice to transfer to the university of the city of G … Less effort, more money, and a diploma of higher education is the same, state … And closer to home … My husband and I are categorically against … There is no need to lower the bar.

I would (evil aunt!) such a university, as in the city of G .., would simply turn it into a college. Well, graduates of this level cannot be seriously considered people with higher education! It is precisely because of such universities that the value and prestige of higher education have fallen to the extreme.

And my sister and I are still arguing: I’m annoyed that my nephew, a guy with a bright head, was sent to study there, although he also passed the points at the Technical University. Polzunov, and to the Altai State University …

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