Why I never go to the gym


You can start throwing slippers at me: I never go to the gym. I consider this to be unhealthy.

Before, yes, I did. As an instructor, to work. Now, thank God, there is no such need.

Think I’m anti-exercise? — Not at all! On the contrary, what a supporter! Even now, being ill with the COVID-19 coronavirus (“I “grabbed” it while traveling), I do breathing exercises, exercises for joint mobility and walk briskly along my own site.

Why do I hate gyms so much?

First, I’m squeamish. It is unpleasant for me to take on the handles of simulators that have just been held by someone else’s sweaty hands, it is unpleasant for me to lie down on benches with wet imprints of heated bodies. When I worked in the gym, I constantly carried wet disinfectant wipes with me (this was long before our Covid!).

In a good way, everyone who practices after himself should treat the projectile with napkins. I tried to introduce such a rule in our gym, but it did not take root. The trainees constantly forgot to do this, and if they did, then the napkins then lay all over the hall … I was tired of buying napkins for everyone first, then collecting them.

The second reason — I just do not see the need. After all, I can perform exercises for the development of all major muscle groups using my own weight. «Iron» in the vast majority of cases — just «show-off». When doing exercises using your own weight, injuries occur very rarely. And with the «iron» — all the time.

In general, the system of exercises with your own body weight is quite popular today. It’s called calisthenics, you’ve probably heard.

An alternative to the gym

My goal is to maintain tone and physical condition, that is, purely health-improving. No sports — physical education in its purest form.

I work out at home. In my own well-ventilated room. There is no need to inhale the smell of someone else’s sweat or deodorant.

I have a certain equipment, which is more than enough for me: a large inflatable ball (fitball), a gymnastic stick, a karemat (yoga mat), a press roller, a jump rope, a hoop “with knobs”. I also use a horizontal bar, which was installed at one time for my sons right in the apartment. And, yes, I have a pair of 2 kg dumbbells. Completely without «iron» could not do.

Here is almost all of my sports equipment. And it’s enough for me. My favorite is the press roller. Here is almost all of my sports equipment. And it’s enough for me. My favorite is the press roller.

The cost of all my equipment is probably less than the cost of a monthly gym membership. But it’s not about the money. I like to do one, at a convenient time for me. When I exercise, I focus on the exercises and I don’t care how I look.

My training system

I’ve been doing exercises all my life, probably from the first grade. She strictly performed morning exercises when she trained and studied at the sports faculty. I did it both when I was pregnant (there are special exercises) and when I was sick (also special exercises). I miss it very rarely — if I get up in the middle of the night, for example, to go to the airport.

Do you think you don’t have to make an effort to force yourself? No matter how! On other days, you don’t feel like it before, the body is like wood! Well, I persuade myself: «Come on, let’s do a couple of exercises and that’s it!». And as soon as you start, do the first two or three exercises, the rest are imperceptibly performed there. As part of the morning warm-up, I have breathing exercises (10-15 minutes of body flex), stretching exercises and several strength exercises (push-ups, squats, lunges, twisting of the torso, lying on a fitball, etc.)

Twice a week — aerobic training. In winter — skiing, the rest of the year walking or running, cycling — according to well-being and mood. Sometimes one of my friends joins me. In completely nasty weather, I can jump rope in the apartment for several minutes or dance from the heart for half an hour.

Yes, I forgot — in the summer I wind circles in the pool. We have a frame pool for 22 tons of water, it is quite possible to swim in a circle in it.

Well, besides this, I try to walk or ride a bike to work.

In principle, such a load is enough for me. And now, at 52, I weigh the same 54 kilograms as at 16, with a height of 159 cm.

And the gym — no, I do not like it.

In the near future I will recover, and I will definitely write down some of my exercises. Now I am like a weakling and a pale face.

Health to you!

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