Travel is delayed.


Well, they closed both our region and the neighboring Republic of Altai … We foresaw that our «distant» trips would have to be canceled in the spring. But that even a trip to the Altai Mountains, which is literally «beyond the gardens», will fail, I did not believe until the last …

But now, the regions are closed. We are sitting …

In order to spend time with benefit, I decided to take up poultry farming seriously. We still live in the village!

Last year, after a long break, we again took on fattening day-old broiler chickens and a dozen laying hens. Everything worked out: the chickens grew big and tasty. Laying hens are healthy to this day, they lay eggs. Two, however, in the fall were bullied by a neighbor’s dog right in our yard.

This year, one of the layers expressed a desire to sit on the eggs and hatch the chickens. We supported her in this endeavor. And now we have eight cute chicks out of 12 eggs. There are still 4 eggs left, it seems that someone is scratching in them … But, I think, no one else will hatch. The chicken may have slightly chilled some of the eggs.

How cute these chickens are — beyond words!

Day-old and two-day-old chickens live in a printer box, under an old table lamp. Day-old and two-day-old chickens live in a printer box, under an old table lamp. Eight sweethearts. I wonder how many of them are cockerels, and how many are hens? Eight sweethearts. I wonder how many of them are cockerels, and how many are hens? This lively is the smallest, because it hatched the last. And the cutest. This lively is the smallest, because it hatched the last. And the cutest.

In addition to these babies, we also have broiler chickens. Already three weeks old, teenagers. We put them in a barn. Since the chickens have not yet completely feathered, and the weather is changeable, so as not to freeze, they turned on a red lamp. Litter — pine sawdust.

Out of 30 chicks, 27 remained. Out of 30 chicks, 27 remained.

Two died in the first days: they did not understand how to eat and drink. There was something wrong with the reflexes. And one was simply strangled in a dream. It was a pity, he was already big, 800 grams.

In general, broiler chickens grow up to 2.5-3 kg in 2 months. It makes no sense to keep it longer: the meat becomes tougher and too fatty. But the chicken can be fed up to 5 kg — easily!

What do we feed

We feed with a balanced rather expensive compound feed «Vega». A bag of 40 kg costs 2000 rubles.

In the first days of life of broilers, Enrostin was drunk with an antibiotic for 3 days. Half a cube of medicine per liter of water. This is necessary to prevent intestinal disorders.

After the antibiotic, just in case, she gave Gammatonic vitamins. Also 3 days. Cube — per liter.

When we let the broilers out into the field, on the ground, I will drink antibiotics again so that there are no intestinal troubles.

Babies from laying hens still live simply on feed and boiled water.

I write down the expenses for food and veterinary preparations. At the end of the season I will conduct a calculation — how profitable this business is.

By the way, each broiler chicken cost us 70 rubles. It is considered cheap because the birds were taken at the beginning of April. Closer to summer, demand grows, and so does the price.

Well, laying birds — their own, «zatak.»

More worries coming soon

From day to day, they should also bring me day-old turkey poults. I ordered it, but now I’m afraid: they say the bird is very tender and whimsical in growing. I have never had a turkey before. But I’ll try … Now I’m actively studying information on their cultivation. Something very difficult…

In a word, these are the things. Since there is no opportunity to go on a trip, let’s do a real village business.

If someone with experience in poultry breeding reads the article, I will carefully listen to the advice. Especially for Indians.

All health! And ideas on how to spend self-isolation with benefit!

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