The cost of living in the countryside in your own house for a family of three


Some time ago, I set out to calculate how much we spend every month. I hate all sorts of different entries, but for the sake of interest, I wrote everything down for two months, and then counted.

So, given: a plot with a house in the Altai Territory. Brick house, heated area — 90 sq. meters. The family consists of three people (the eldest son has been living independently for a long time, with his family, and the youngest is a student, but has been studying at home, remotely, for almost two months now). The car is a rather gluttonous 7-seater Mazda Premacy with a two-liter engine.

Home maintenance, utility bills

Our house is heated by gas. Hot water is also due to gas. Cooking is also mainly on gas.

In the winter months, we pay from 2,800 to 3,800 rubles for gas, depending on the temperature “overboard”. In autumn and spring — around 2000 thousand. In summer we do not use heating, gas is used only for cooking and heating water. Payments for gas in the summer do not exceed 300-350 rubles.

Water — from the central water supply. We pour a lot of water, at least 10-12 cubic meters per month. In the summer — much more, because we fill the pool (and this is 22 cubic meters), water it … The cost of 1 cubic meter of water is almost 40 rubles.

We spend electricity for about 1000-1200 rubles (tariff — 3.20). In winter — more, because we turn on the heater for laying hens. it turns out 1500-1800.

If we calculate the average values, it turns out that we pay an average of 1,800 rubles a month for gas, 1,300 for electricity, and 600 for water. Once every 3 months we invite a sewage truck to pump out a septic tank. This comes out to 1800 rubles a year, if divided by 12 months — you get 150 rubles.

In total, the maintenance of the house costs 3850 rubles.


For many years we have been trying to stick to a healthy diet, so products such as sausages and sausages are rarely bought. We never buy chips, «chemical» crackers. Just like sweet soda.

We grow our own chicken. The eggs are also from their own hens.

We do not buy milk often — we do not like dairy. I mainly use it for baking and for mashed potatoes.

But we really respect cheeses, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream.

We often buy fish, mostly fresh (pink salmon, cod, pollock, greenling), less often salted. Red caviar is also on the table (friends bring it from Kamchatka, delicious-i-i!).

We take pork and beef from familiar farmers.

Fresh vegetables, juices, compotes, ketchups and various vegetable snacks are our own.

Many berries and vegetables are frozen.

We buy cereals and flour of the Goodwill brand — fortunately, the enterprise is located in our village, and their prices are very low in their «firm» store. And the quality is good.

Of course, we also buy fruits. Mandarins, alas, we do not grow.

I love to cook and bake, so we always eat at home. We buy gingerbread and cookies very rarely, mostly I bake it myself — in butter, and not in palm oil.

When I added up all the checks from grocery stores and subtracted the amounts that I spent on dog food, it turned out that we spend only 7,000-8,000 rubles a month for three.

Yes, I forgot about an important item of expenditure — alcohol. We don’t buy it either. No, we are not teetotalers and not ulcers. We just don’t drink often and exclusively moonshine. And one against which whiskey (for the price of a helicopter) nervously smokes on the sidelines. Well, or house wine. This is not difficult to do, you just need the desire. Well, a few vines on the property.

In total, 8,000 rubles are spent on food in stores. (Subject to full cellars and freezers).

Remontant strawberries bear fruit from the end of May until the first snow. The first berries are the largest, then smaller. But every morning for four months we have a bowl of fresh strawberries for breakfast. Remontant strawberries bear fruit from the end of May until the first snow. The first berries are the largest, then smaller. But every morning for four months we have a bowl of fresh strawberries for breakfast.


We live in the center of the village, so almost anywhere can be easily reached on foot. We do exactly that. Because in order to stay healthy, you need to move the rolls. In the summer we actively use bicycles.

The car is used mainly for trips to local shops or to the nearest town. Well, if we go on vacation, then this is a separate expense item. And by the way, every summer we go to Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye and Gorny Altai.

On average, 2000-3000 rubles are spent on fuel per month .

Soap and soap accessories, cosmetics

I usually order this stuff from Faberlic. I’ve been friends with her for a long time, I make orders exclusively for myself, I don’t sell anything. I am satisfied with both the price and the quality. Usually I order twice a month for a little over a thousand, including washing powders, dishwashing detergents, shampoos, hair dye and other things.

Grand total

We have: a “communal apartment” — 3850, food — 8000, fuel — 3000, soap and water accessories — 2500. The result is a very modest amount: only 17350 rubles!

Of course, everyone lives differently. But when one young author wrote that in the village, having vegetables, berries and mushrooms from the forest from the garden, etc., they spend as much as 20,000 rubles on food in stores for two, I was stunned and decided to calculate it myself. My amount turned out to be much less, despite the fact that we eat very well.

There are other expenses

When the youngest son leaves for the city to study, the expenses, of course, increase. A city is a city, besides, students do not like to cook too much, they often eat in cafes and canteens.

We also have a dog. Alabay boy. Such a cute pocket dog weighing 50 kilograms. The cost of his food per month is definitely more than mine :))

Even in the village there are specific costs for seeds and planting material. The necessary seeds, of course, can be bought by spending only two or three hundred. But I also want another rose, and a new apple tree, and a new variety of strawberries, and such and such petunias … Total — thousands …

Beginning of August. My flower garden. More precisely, part of the flower garden … Early August. My flower garden. More precisely, part of the flower garden …

We will not talk about farm animals in this article … It’s all very expensive now … And the animals themselves, and veterinary drugs, and feed …

In addition, your own house constantly requires maintenance and some investments. But this is a separate issue.

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