Should I go to Anapa in July or to the Curonian Spit in October?


I love the sea very much. I like how it smells, how it breathes, how it rustles or rumbles in waves. Therefore, every vacation I try to spend at least a week by the sea. Thank God, in recent years such an opportunity has appeared.

It so happened that before visiting the Russian Black Sea coast, we saw the Mediterranean shores and the “Turkish coast” of the Black Sea. And from many acquaintances I kept hearing: “And we rested in Anapa …”, “Ah, the sandy beach in Anapa is something!”, “No, no, in the summer — only in Anapa!”. Well, I think we should go and see.

And we went … (it was 2 years ago). Well, they flew in … There are a lot of people, vacationers lie on the beach almost in three layers. The central beach is cool — sandy, wide, but there are a lot of algae in the sea. In a word, we stayed there for 3 days. Nothing terrible, well, nothing for which I would once again want to go to this city across half the country. A couple of months ago I wrote an article about why I won’t go to Anapa anymore. There were so many comments! And most are evil. But, anyway, thanks to the commentators, their comments are very useful for my channel.

A few days ago we returned from a trip to Kaliningrad. Of course, we also visited the Curonian Spit. I probably won’t be able to find the right words to accurately express my impression. Wide beach, white sand creaks underfoot. Clean small waves run onto the shore, and there is nobody around! Nearby — dunes, forest. And the air!

Curonian spit. In my opinion, this is how paradise should look like: clear sea, wonderful beach, sea and forest! Photo from personal archive. Curonian spit. In my opinion, this is how paradise should look like: clear sea, wonderful beach, sea and forest! Photo from personal archive.

Curonian Spit. In the distance — the grandson plays with the waves. Naturally, he wet his legs up to the knees. Curonian Spit. In the distance — the grandson plays with the waves. Naturally, he wet his legs up to the knees.

And let the weather be quite normal autumn. In the Baltic during the day, it can change several times. So it was with us: sometimes clouds, sometimes the sun. The sea changed color from leaden and gray to turquoise and ultramarine.

The sand is so fine, so clean that I could not resist and nevertheless took off my shoes, walked barefoot on it. Delight! Of course, she wandered into the water. Cool! But not critical. Approximately the same temperature as at the height of summer in Siberian rivers. I can say with confidence that Katun, for example, is colder in July. So, if we both had towels and a change of linen, I would certainly swim, and I would allow my grandson.

Confirmation that the water is not so cold can be a lot of jellyfish thrown ashore by yesterday’s mild storm. After all, it is known that jellyfish do not like cold water.

The grandson was jealous … But it made no sense to take off his shoes — one frisky wave at the very first steps along the shore splashed some water into his sneakers to get acquainted! The grandson was jealous … But it made no sense to take off his shoes — one frisky wave at the very first steps along the shore splashed some water into his sneakers to get acquainted!

And here comes the sun!

Wonderful color of the sea! Photo from personal archive. Wonderful color of the sea! Photo from personal archive.

My husband and I take pictures of each other.

Being in the Baltic and not getting your feet wet is not about us! Photo from personal archive. Being in the Baltic and not getting your feet wet is not about us! Photo from personal archive. View of the sea from the dune. Photo from personal archive. View of the sea from the dune. Photo from personal archive.

We drove along the Curonian Spit almost to the border with Lithuania. Naturally, we also walked through the “dancing” forest.

«Dancing» forest. Curonian spit. October 2020. Photo by the author. «Dancing» forest. Curonian spit. October 2020. Photo by the author.

But most of the time spent on the beach. Why, most of it, if in truth, the whole day. In the evening, it just started to rain heavily, somehow it got dark, we had to leave earlier than planned.

Grandson loved the sea. He played with the waves, looked at jellyfish thrown ashore, collected beautiful stones, let out «pancakes» … But you never know what a boy can do on the seashore!

Well, almost Robinson! Curonian spit. Photo of the author. Well, almost Robinson! Curonian spit. Photo of the author.

Of course, he would very much like to visit here in the summer. And us too! But, of course, in the summer there can be no such solitude and desertion.

Through the dunes to the sea. Curonian spit. October 2020. Photo by the author. Through the dunes to the sea. Curonian spit. October 2020. Photo by the author.

If they ask me what I would prefer: a trip to Anapa in July/August or a trip to the Baltic, to the Curonian Spit (even in autumn, without the opportunity to swim!), I will choose the second option without hesitation.

After all, the sea is not only swimming… It is a special atmosphere, a special smell, a salty wind… And if there is also a forest nearby, it’s magic!

And what is closer to you — the deserted autumn Baltic beaches or the crowded summer beaches of Anapa?

Read more about the travels of a rural pensioner:

  • about Azerbaijan and Turkey
  • about the Netherlands
  • about Israel

I sincerely hope that the «crown» will soon be pacified, and we will be able to travel without restrictions again!

Please give a «thumbs up» if my story about the Curonian Spit was interesting!

All health!

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