One summer day of a working village pensioner

Good afternoon! The rain confused all my plans for Saturday (Napoleonic — no less!) and drove into the house. So that’s great. I finally sat down at the computer, I’ll write an article, otherwise my channel already seems to be fading…

In recent months, it seems to me that time is just rushing at a gallop. It was May yesterday. I didn’t have time to look back — June had already passed the middle. And all the days are saturated to the limit. I can do a lot of things in a day. But more than that, I can’t.

my summer day


I get up at six. The alarm clock is set for 5:50, but I need ten minutes to talk myself up.

First of all, I go out into the street — to inspect the property. After all, I, as my childhood friend called me (she has been living in Israel for a long time) is a landowner. The tour of the property takes about ten minutes. It is actually very interesting to watch the morning garden, how the apples are pouring, how the bunches of grapes have grown overnight, how heavy the tomatoes are on the bushes.

The animal is already awake and needs breakfast. I usually cook food for birds and dogs in the evening.

When the beast is fed, my time comes. 15-20 minutes every morning I do breathing exercises and do stretching and strength exercises. In the summer, as a rule, on the street. If it rains, I hide on the veranda.

By this time my husband had already woken up. The next item on the morning program is to slaughter and process a couple of broiler chickens. I already wrote that I bought day old chickens in April and how one deputy helped me raise them. So in two months they turned into four-kilogram crocodiles. Time for soup.

The expert in this case is the husband. I am in the wings: pluck the carcass clean, prepare bags for packaging meat …

We manage this quickly, in 30-40 minutes.

Now — at the pace of the waltz, put the broth. While I take a shower, I have breakfast — the chicken boils. I put potatoes, borscht dressing (homemade) into the broth.

I bring beauty — as much as possible. I jump into my jeans. Time — 8.45.

I try borscht, I burn myself, I swear. I turn off the gas. I fly out into the street. When I return, I forgot to give my husband TSU. Yes, that seems to be it now.

It’s me. The most recent, the day before yesterday, photo. It’s me. The most recent, the day before yesterday, photo.

I sit on a bicycle. I rush to the service. Yes, for service. Because I work in the military registration and enlistment office as the head of the mobilization department.


In the service, time also flies like an arrow. It seems that I barely had time to sort out the current affairs — it’s already lunch. I sit on the faithful iron horse, I fly home.

I am building a student son (he is currently studying remotely): there are a dozen cups of coffee on the desk, the bed is not made. Normally I didn’t have breakfast again, I ate only sweets.

I feed chickens and turkeys. Oh, heat! I quickly run into the outdoor shower and plunge into the pool. Five minutes of complete happiness!

Thank God, I managed to cook dinner in the morning. We sit down to have lunch. I gobble up borscht, I burn myself, I swear. So, I don’t have time to drink tea. Okay, at work … I get on my bike, I go to work.

I did not have time to look back — five hours. I didn’t even drink tea. Fig with him. The working day is over. But urgent matters are not all done, I am finishing… 6.15. Now, for sure, home. But — through the store. Something to buy for dinner. What — forgot. But I’ll get to the store — I’ll remember.


I quickly prepare semi-finished products for dinner — and for the garden. I take my son out from behind the computer or from under the car and send him there to water or weed, feed the animals. We must pay tribute, it goes meekly.

I enjoy working in the garden. I won’t even say that this
is work for me. Rather, on the contrary, rest. I don’t have time to look back — half past eight. Running to prepare dinner and make some preparations for tomorrow’s lunch.

My husband comes home from work after nine. We sit down at the table in the summer only at ten o’clock. I know it’s late, and you can’t eat up at night, but it happens.

And it is these last 2-3 hours in the evening — that is life, when you are not in a hurry, you communicate with your loved ones. On the street after dinner, we kindle a fire, we talk until it becomes fresh and our eyes begin to stick together. My son sometimes sits with us, but more often he goes to his youth company.

I constantly set myself the task of slowing down, doing everything calmer. But so far it hasn’t worked. And again everything is running. running … And there are more and more urgent cases. And every day, week, month, year is getting shorter and shorter.

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