November… Doesn’t the weather have bad weather?


The weather outside the window can be described in one word — PURPLE. You know, I love bad weather. The rain is drizzling, it’s dank, the snow is flying by? — It’s time to put on a warm sweater, down jacket, favorite all-terrain boots and go outside. Wind the required 7000-10000 steps.

If you let your mood depend on the weather, then you won’t see a century of happiness! I came up with a formula for myself: good mood = favorite warm clothes + warmth in the house and a fireplace turned on or flooded (alas, we only have an electric hearth) + delicious food. Well, 50 grams of something strong is also allowed — if it is a weekend or an evening of a working day. And also the components of a good mood in bad weather — some cozy needlework or an interesting book. I prefer paper books.

We have the second day in a row the weather is pure November. They say that in such weather the owner will not drive the dog out into the street. I don’t kick out — our couch potato sleeps in a booth. And she took herself by the scruff of the neck, lifted herself from a comfortable chair, forced her to get dressed and left the house. Perhaps it was my love of hiking that allowed me to recover so quickly after the “corona”.

View of the November village street. Photo of the author. View of the November village street. Photo of the author.

The river Kamenka flows near my house. An ordinary small river, of which there are thousands in Russia. Decided to go say hello.

Hello river! How are you? Not trying on the ice shell yet? Photo of the author. Hello river! How are you? Not trying on the ice shell yet? Photo of the author. The pre-winter palette is not very expressive and not at all rich in colors! Photo of the author. The pre-winter palette is not very expressive and not at all rich in colors! Photo of the author.

Our village is quite large, and spread out on two banks of the Kamenka. On the coast where I live is the “center”, most of the shops, administrative buildings, a school and kindergartens are concentrated here. And on the opposite bank — so to speak, «sleeping areas».

The banks are connected by two bridges. One is serious, «capital», concrete. And the other is a pedestrian wooden crossing, on cables. How I used to be afraid to walk on it! And now, if I go, I always hold on to the handrails.

The bridge is very old. He is 45 years old for sure. Floor boards are periodically changed, of course. Photo of the author. The bridge is very old. He is 45 years old for sure. Floor boards are periodically changed, of course. Photo of the author. View of the river from the suspension bridge Photo by the author. View of the river from the suspension bridge Photo by the author.

Today the bridge was very slippery: snow fell on the wet boards. And even in my well-deserved boots, my legs parted. Extreme my soul today did not want. Therefore, I walked a few steps across the bridge, admired the river, took a few pictures, and went back.

Slippery though! Photo of the author. Slippery though! Photo of the author.

It got colder in the evening, but I decided to go for a walk again: the lungs need to be pumped after an illness. And again — snow, wet asphalt, covered in places with ice.

The village lives on a November evening, does not freeze. Every year more and more streets are illuminated. The village lives on a November evening, does not freeze. Every year more and more streets are illuminated.

In the last two years, no smoke from stoves has been seen in our village — everyone has switched to gas. It is rare when the nose smells the smell of firewood — it means that someone flooded the bathhouse … By the way, my nose today caught an echo of the aroma of birch firewood! This is cool, so I finally get rid of the «crown».

It only lasted me for half an hour — despite the brisk step, coolness crept under the down jacket, and the wind increased.

Home, home! In the heat, where the TV will hum in the background, and my fake fireplace will create the mood!

Our electric fireplace. I cast tiles for facing. The husband assembled the frame, covered it with tiles, cut out wooden moths that had flocked to the fire. Photo of the author. Our electric fireplace. I cast tiles for facing. The husband assembled the frame, covered it with tiles, cut out wooden moths that had flocked to the fire. Photo of the author.

Well, yes, yes! Of course, a delicious dinner! What’s for dinner? — Banal buckwheat porridge. With smoked turkey breast (I raised the turkeys myself!). With sauerkraut (it turned out well: not oversalted, crispy!). Well, who said that autumn is a bad time of the year?

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