Morning photo report.

Good afternoon! I live in the foothills of Altai — very picturesque and fertile places. (Not to be confused with Gorny Altai — this is a different region).

August in our places is an incredibly generous month! On one of the last days of vacation, I walked around my site with a camera and took a few pictures.

I love my garden and flower garden. But, unfortunately, I can not keep it in perfect order. No matter how hard I try, the weeds still grow in some places, and the tomatoes do not always grow in a timely manner, and I don’t have time to remove the extra shoots from the grapes, and the roses don’t reach the hands and treat and feed … But, nevertheless, every year we have a vegetable abundance. And the flowers delight the eye until the end of September.

Every morning, having fed the bird-beasts, I make a tour of my possessions, and this is such a pleasure!

So, the beginning of August. Morning photo essay from an ordinary, far from exemplary, backyard plot in an Altai village.

Bow this year was a success! Variety «Sturon», grown from seeds sown for seedlings on March 14. I’ll clean up some day. Bow this year was a success! Variety «Sturon», grown from seeds sown for seedlings on March 14. I’ll clean up some day.

Eggplant, about which the locals knew little about 15 years ago in Altai, has become the most beloved vegetable in recent years, and yields excellent crops on our land! (There are two pictures in the gallery).

Classic «blue» … And these are white eggplants. With a very mild, delicate taste, absolutely no bitterness. Classic blue…

Cauliflower is one of our family’s favorite vegetables.

Cauliflower. I don’t know the variety, I bought seedlings. Cauliflower. I don’t know the variety, I bought seedlings.

And, of course, tomatoes! Sweet and meaty! Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse have a much poorer taste.

The hail was not too large and not long, but it still left marks on some tomatoes … The hail was not too large and not long, but it still left marks on some tomatoes …

Very soon we will be harvesting watermelons. And if earlier in Siberia watermelons grew small, now they are almost southern in size. Of course they are hybrids.

Pretty berry, right? The shoes are placed side by side to give you an idea of ​​the size. Pretty berry, right? The shoes are placed side by side to give you an idea of ​​the size.

Grapes are a separate issue! I have only sultanas and something like Isabella that consistently bear fruit. Kishmish — honey-sweet, pitted, with small tassels. It usually arrives around the 20th of August, but earlier this year. Usually eaten «alive».

The second grade, the one that looks like Isabella, I usually use for wine. The port is amazing!

Kishmish, already ripe. Some berries and leaves are wounded by recent hail. The most unpretentious and tenacious grapes! Withstands any frost, does not get wet. Port wine from it is excellent! Kishmish, already ripe. Some berries and leaves are wounded by recent hail.

I’m somehow not very good with apple trees … Either the mice knock down the trunks, or the frost will destroy … What to do, such a climate: in summer up to plus forty, in winter — forty degrees of frost is not uncommon. But this young half-cultivated tree was saved. On it, apples are small, but very tasty, juicy, sweet and sour.

In the neighboring region, just 45 km from us, in a village located in a mountain hollow (there is a special, mild microclimate), such apples ripen that they will not yield to the famous Aport neither in taste nor in size.

Semi-cultivated apple tree. Semi-cultivated apple tree.

And of course, my favorites, roses … Also, they are still capricious … Either they get eaten by mice from under the snow, they freeze slightly, then they warm up … (There are several photos in the gallery).

I love annuals very much, although there is so much fuss with them! Among the favorites are annual phlox, verbena and, of course, petunias.

Annual phloxes bloom in a continuous carpet! Petunia Opera in a flowerpot on the wall of the house. Our humble home… Annual phloxes bloom in a solid carpet!

In general, in the summer we have a paradise! Therefore, in the summer months, we very rarely go to travel somewhere far away: why leave such beauty?!

And today we visited one wonderful recreation center, located very close, only 50 km away. A wonderful place, well-maintained territory, a clean mountain river and … almost no people! Many photos and a story about this piece of paradise in the next article!

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