Maybe not everything is so bad with our medicine?


To be honest, this story is already more than three years old: it began in July 2017.

Here is how it was

A classmate of my husband, who has been living in Germany for almost thirty years (he is an ethnic German), came to visit us. And he came not alone, but with his friend — a native German. He had long dreamed of visiting Siberia.

Naturally, we went to the mountains (we have Gorny Altai very close by). Of course, our guests, having seen how famously people raft along the rapids of Katunili, also wanted to try it. The desire of the guests is the law. We organized a rafting for them. The men wanted emotions — they got them. We fused perfectly, I especially remember the coup when we were all thrown into invigorating water?

But the water in the Katun, even in summer, is very, very cool. What is there! It is icy … Our former compatriot after this bath had a toothache. Healing elixir (you know what — did not help categorically). A person lives in Germany, but the mentality is quite ours: there were problems with the tooth for a long time, but until he climbed the wall from pain, he could not get ready to treat everything. And here, after bathing in icy water, it was just right for a peasant to howl.

There is no private dentistry in our village, but there is in the neighboring district center. We call there, explain the situation, make an appointment for a friend.

The friend barely survived until the next day.

Both parties were satisfied

The friend spent almost 2 hours with the doctor. He came out smiling wryly — half of his jaw was frozen. Remarkably, the doctor is a stern lady (I know for sure, she herself was treated more than once), she personally came out to see him off and was kind. And it doesn’t look like her at all. I think not otherwise, our friend evrika cajoled her. So, by the way, it turned out.

Photo from Yandex Pictures. Just to illustrate the story. Photo from Yandex Pictures. Just to illustrate the story.

On the way home, the frost had not yet let go, a friend, splashing with saliva, tried to tell us what a wonderful specialist he had come across, how she wonderfully healed his bad tooth, but found two more carious and also cured! And I took pictures! And she took some absolutely ridiculous money in terms of euros! The friend said he couldn’t pay such a low price for such a great doctor and «gave her a bonus.» Of course, in euros. How much, however, he did not say.

One year later

Remember, I mentioned that my husband’s classmate came with his friend and colleague — a native German? So, this Vanechka (in general, he is Johan), the next year asked permission to come to visit us again, but with his wife, and asked them to enroll in the same clinic for dental treatment.

We agreed in advance, two months in advance, at the clinic for certain days, the Germans guessed visas and tickets and flew in. We stayed for 8 days. Every day we went to the dentist by taxi for 40 km (we worked and could not carry them): both treated and prosthetics. The Germans were extremely pleased. They said that, taking into account the payment for flights and taxis, the repair of two mouths cost them the amount for which they could fill three, maximum four teeth in their homeland. Prosthetics were out of the question.

Very much praised our doctors, professionalism and treatment. That’s it. And this is in a rural private small clinic, with only two chairs. But the institution is really pleasant: the equipment is new, the environment is clean, and the doctors work conscientiously, and the X-ray room is right there, and the hall with sofas and a TV, if you suddenly have to wait. But usually you don’t have to wait — they take it strictly by appointment, almost to the minute.

And we are accustomed to scolding everything and looking beyond the cordon: everything seems to us that life is sweeter there.

Where is the clinic — I will not say. And then accused of advertising. In general, it will be necessary to show them this article at the next visit to the clinic. I have a tooth that needs attention. So be it, I will write the name in exchange for treatment?

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