It seems that the grandmother-Batman flew …


Let’s get to know each other: Grandma-Batman is me. This is how my family often calls me now, with the light hand of the youngest grandson. For being easy going. For the fact that between “invented” and “made” I get a very small time interval.

And it was like that. At the beginning of last year, even before the “corona”, I was talking on WhatsApp with my grandchildren (they live in the city, 250 km from us). Everything is fine with the elder: holidays, computer, friends… And the younger one is bored: the garden does not work, but the parents work. And the 5-year-old boy is alone most of the time. I’m tired of the phone and cartoons. I also had a long New Year’s weekend. I think we need to pick up the boys for five days. No sooner said than done. The fees were not long. I get into the car and drive. After 3 hours I call the intercom. To say that the boys were surprised is an understatement. Especially the younger one, Tyoma. “No,” he says, you are not a woman Natasha, you are a grandmother Batman!

Granny Batman on a recent trip. Kaliningrad, Fort Gneisenau. Photo from personal archive. Granny Batman on a recent trip. Kaliningrad, Fort Gneisenau. Photo from personal archive.

I recently found out that this nickname has penetrated into my service. I am older than all my subordinates, but smaller and faster. And recently I hear one of the girls ask: “Is Batman-grandma in her place? I wanted to take time off early, to go to the dentist with the child. ” I chuckled to myself. Well, think about it, grandma! And it’s true, grandmother, from forty years. And Batman is also not the worst option. So there is nothing to be offended about.

On the Curonian Spit. October 2020. Photo from personal archive. On the Curonian Spit. October 2020. Photo from personal archive.

Batman crowned

But, it seems, the grandmother-Batman flew. She sat out the remaining two weeks of vacation after the trip, and in the last days she nevertheless drew herself — the “crown”. I specifically planned it so that my husband and I, after arriving from Kaliningrad (flying as tourists, with our eldest grandson), still had 2 weeks to stay at home — just in case. And the case turned out to be just «any».

«Hapnuli», I think, in Domodedovo, at the airport. The people there are crazy, they don’t consider it necessary to wear masks. Damn, whether you are afraid of the virus or not is your own business, but take care of those around you! So no, the law is not written for fools …

At first, the husband became depressed (and he rarely gets sick at all) — he lay in bed for 4 days with a temperature around 38 degrees. There were no other manifestations — no runny nose, no cough, no sore throat. They thought it was an ordinary SARS — after all, no one canceled it. And just yesterday, I also turned sour — also without coughing and other passions, but with severe muscle pains and an almost complete loss of smell in the absence of a runny nose. And I still want to take a deep breath. Today the doctor came, looked, listened to the lungs — everything seems to be normal. I ask, maybe this is still not a “crown”, but just a modest wreath? She laughs: no, my dear, you are now a crowned lady. Press the sirloin of the house to the chair and do not stick out anywhere. True, she wrote out a referral for x-rays and blood tests.

How does the crowned Batman live?

Well, a little sausage. Head and back hurt. The temperature is not critical — not higher than 38. This is not a reason to cancel the charge. I just made it more gentle, without strength exercises. Breathing exercises are a must! I have been doing body flex for 8 years now. I did a few exercises and today — which I managed. Well, and articular gymnastics — too. Indeed, in order to more successfully fight the virus, it is necessary to provide vigorous circulation to the lymph. The body, in part, does this itself — by raising the temperature. But you can help him by doing light exercises. Or a light massage — stroking the body with pressure, in the direction of the lymph flow. How do I know? — I am a physical education teacher and fitness trainer in basic education. Anatomy and physiology taught conscientiously.

The crowned Batman also decided not to leave her husband without a hot lunch. Slowly, on half-bent, but still cooked borscht.

I tried to knit — it did not work. And by the evening it sold out — and now, issued a post!

Guys, the «crown» is an unpleasant thing! For me personally, it’s too tight.

Health to everyone! Take care of yourself!

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