Is it good to work in the same place all your life?


If I had been asked a few years ago: do you think it’s good or bad to work in the same place all your life?, I would answer without hesitation that, of course, it’s good. Because at that time I myself had been working for 25 years in the same place, in the same position.

Yes, I have become more experienced. But the functions performed the same from year to year. And the same people surrounded me for decades. They, like me, also worked for 20-30 or more years in one place. In a large, for 600 children, village secondary school. At some point, I realized that we are like ponies with blinders on our eyes, who run, run in circles … They don’t see anything around, they are not interested in anything, they don’t develop …

After leaving school, I quickly found a job. And she made a discovery for herself that outside the school there is also life, no less interesting and fulfilling. And there are other activities besides pedagogy, and they all require certain knowledge, skills, and attention. And often — knowledge deeper than those possessed by teachers.

After changing two jobs after leaving school, I felt that my brain began to revive, that they are capable of more than drawing up work programs and writing plans. I had to learn a lot of new things, study document management, several new computer programs …

New faces began to surround me — very, by the way, nice ones. And it turned out — it’s such a pleasure — to start working, to communicate with new people.

I think that working in the same place, a person becomes inflexible and inert. I am not advocating for a complete change in occupation. But moving to another company while continuing to work in your profession is possible and even necessary. Here in the village it is almost impossible for teachers to do this, since there is only one school. And people exist for decades in a limited world. And this, alas, does not contribute to their development … It is easier in cities. A new school means new colleagues, new children, a new atmosphere and rules… And a person willy-nilly must adapt, find his place in the new system. And prove your professional worth. And this is the impetus for development.

Drawing from Yandex.Pictures. Drawing from Yandex.Pictures.

Psychologists, by the way, do not recommend «staying» longer than five years in one place. It is believed that the «elders» of industries and various organizations are less stress-resistant, but more conflicted, with difficulty, often hostilely accepting new methods and technologies of work. Often very toxic to new employees and young colleagues.

Moving to a new job often leads to positive changes in life. It happens that a person carries for years, works for himself and for that guy, and no one notices this, does not appreciate it, takes it for granted. But as soon as a person moves to another company, and he is appreciated, the career begins to go up. There are new acquaintances, prospects.

So, I think that working in one place all my life is just a punishment … I was able to change jobs only closer to 50 years. I regret that I did not have the opportunity (and the courage!) to do this earlier.

Health to everyone!

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