I know a place in Russia where the most beautiful autumn

Autumn days have their own charm, and you can’t argue with that. Although there are people who do not like autumn and fall into the blues at this time. But even the most notorious melancholic will not resist if he happens to visit the Altai foothills from about mid-September to October 10 …

At this time, the air becomes especially transparent and clean. Sunny days alternate with rainy ones, but that’s what autumn is for! But after the rains, only the lazy one does not return from the forest without trophies from mushroom hunting! As my friend said: “It’s so insulting — you go, you stumble over mushrooms, but there’s nowhere to put it!”. And this year we did not get out for mushrooms. And not because they are lazy. Quite the contrary.

And our friends supplied us with mushrooms. Basically, boletus. And photographs. And I only envied and cleaned, cleaned mushrooms … Although, to be honest, I would prefer it to be the other way around: for me to collect while walking in the forest, and someone else would clean …

Boletus trees are especially good this autumn. Photos of my friends. Boletus trees are especially good this autumn. Photos of my friends. Trophies of this autumn. Photos of my friends. Trophies of this autumn. Photos of my friends.

Last weekend, my husband and I left all the cases (which in the fall in the village economy are countless) and went «to nature.» We missed the mushroom season, so at least admire the last days of the “golden” autumn!

We drove away from home for only fifty kilometers, but it was as if we got into another world.

Morning in the foothills of Altai… Photo by the author. Morning in the foothills of Altai… Photo by the author.

A talkative river, muddy from recent rains, dark green pines and firs and birches in transparent yellow dresses… Of course, the photographs do not convey all the charm, atmosphere and smells of the morning autumn forest…

Kamenka River, Altai region of Altai Territory. Photo of the author. Kamenka River, Altai region of Altai Territory. Photo of the author. Autumn in the foothills of Altai. River Kamenka. Photo of the author. Autumn in the foothills of Altai. River Kamenka. Photo of the author.

A path winds along the river. We walked along the path up the river for about five kilometers, stopping every now and then to admire the surrounding beauty and listen to the talking river. Returning back, they found a spring that was not noticed at first, flowing into the river.

A spring flowing into the Kamenka. Photo of the author. A spring flowing into the Kamenka. Photo of the author.

I am not strong in posing, but here the main thing is not me, but what is around. I am not strong in posing, but here the main thing is not me, but what is around.

The morning was rather cold, it didn’t reach minus, but it was obviously not higher than five degrees. So we walked at a very brisk pace. But the sun gradually rose higher and became warmer. The morning haze dissipated, and the colors became simply piercing:

Impossible autumn colors of the Altai foothills… Photo by the author. Impossible autumn colors of the Altai foothills… Photo by the author.

When the sun warmed up, the forest smells intensified: pine resin and pine needles, the bitter smell of fallen leaves, the spicy smell of wet earth … Anape lovers keep telling me (when I say that this resort did not impress me) about how amazing and clean it is air. Well, I don’t know, I don’t remember, I didn’t appreciate it … But here, in the foothills, the air is such that it’s simply impossible to breathe …

And the silence was amazing. No wind, no rustle, no birdsong… Only once a fat rook fussily flew several times from tree to tree and muttered something in a raspy voice.

We spent the night at the recreation center «Heart of the Forest». And we were so lucky that on the day of arrival, besides us, there was only one small company. But the next day my husband and I were completely alone!

This well-groomed, new recreation center by the river was completely at our disposal! This well-groomed, new recreation center by the river was completely at our disposal!

The husband would not be himself if he missed the opportunity to climb rocks. I always worry about him very much in such cases: a sick, injured back … But can you hold it?

My husband loves to climb mountains, and I’m afraid of heights… Photo by the author. My husband loves to climb mountains, and I’m afraid of heights… Photo by the author.

How do you like my photos? Agree, in the foothills of Altai, autumn is of rare beauty!

Our journey lasted less than a day. I would love to stay another day, but business, business… Exactly in a week my husband and I have a vacation and, of course, another trip is planned, or rather, a flight…

There will definitely be a separate story about him, and not even one. Because the place we’re going to is very interesting…

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