How the «crown» differs from the usual SARS — tested on our own skin


I am sitting at home after the holidays — with the «crown». As it turned out, traveling during the rampant infection, even with the maximum observance of precautionary measures, is not at all safe. Yes, Grandma-Batman flew.

In general, I rarely get sick. I regularly do exercises, walk a lot, work in the fresh air, but this time I got caught.

How sick leave was issued

I called the district clinic, reported that the temperature was about 38, weakness, I always want to take a deep breath and my back hurts a lot. The doctor came and examined me. I didn’t take swabs from the throat and nose — she said that such tests are done only for those who are in serious condition. She sent me for blood tests and x-rays. I ask: “Doctor, is it SARS?” “No,” he answers, “this is the“ crown ”, a classic picture.” And, interestingly, no one prescribed self-isolation for me. And I myself, of course, in a mask and gloves, went for tests and X-rays.

The hospital was discharged for a week.

Personal feelings — the differences between the «crown» and SARS

By and large, Covid-19 is also SARS, and I think it will soon become familiar to us, we will somehow adapt to live with it.

So, how does the course of the disease differ with Covid-19 .

  • Very uneven feeling. One day you can feel like a practically healthy person, and the next day — rraz! — and slurry slurry.
  • I always want to take a deep breath. Although the X-ray showed that everything in my lungs is normal.
  • The nose breathes, but does not smell any. I sniffed perfume, lemon, vinegar, horseradish — no reaction! Somewhere in the depths, congestion is felt, sometimes it weakens, and then a barely perceptible shadow of the smell can penetrate. And immediately everything is sealed again. There is no runny nose at all!

The nose does not smell any! Photo from Yandex Pictures. The nose does not smell any! Photo from Yandex Pictures.

  • In the first days of the illness, there were severe pains in the muscles of the back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Lying, sitting, walking — everything hurts. And even just touching your back hurts.
  • A little nauseating. The attitude to food is indifferent: I can eat, I can not eat.
  • Sleep disturbance. Even when the back pain subsided after taking paracetamol, there was no sleep. Sleep began to normalize after 5 days of illness.
  • Eyes itch frequently.
  • Sensation of heat in the body, it seems that the temperature has risen. In fact, only 35.8. In general, the fever was in the range of 38, and it lasted only in the first three days of illness.
  • The head is constantly heavy, even without fever. It is very difficult to concentrate. I tried to knit, read — I only have twenty minutes.

In general, the sensations are rather strange. Now, having been ill for a week, I cannot say that something hurts me. Nothing bothers me except the lack of smell. But I can’t call myself healthy either. I want to go to work, to people. But the question is whether the doctor will consider me safe for others, whether he will let me go to work.


Of the drugs prescribed arbidol. She prescribed herbal tea to herself to maintain immunity. Bought ready-made in a pharmacy.

On the day when there was a feeling of congestion in the chest, she did inhalations — she breathed over a saucepan of boiling water with soda and salt.

I also do breathing exercises. Sometimes — several bodyflex exercises, sometimes — according to Strelnikova. Today I did not do it — there is no strength and mood.

How about household members?

My husband fell ill before me. But his manifestation of the disease was limited to a temperature for three days and weakness. On the second day there was something similar to a runny nose and a decrease in the sharpness of smell. Then everything returned to normal.

We take care of our parents and other relatives, we communicate only by phone.

In general, the “crown” is a nasty thing, it is unpleasant to wear it.

I wish you all good health!

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