Homemade chicken stew — it couldn’t be easier!

Good afternoon!

Well, we descended from heaven to earth, in the sense that we arrived from another trip. It’s time and honor to know, it is necessary, while there are a few days of vacation left, to urgently redo urgent matters.

On the agenda was the preparation of homemade chicken stew. The goal is to make life easier for the son-student in the hostel. Guys are often too lazy to cook. Passed «dismembered» raw chicken — lies in the refrigerator for months. So I decided to make stew. It is easier to transport and store it, and, moreover, to eat it.

Chicken stew — step by step recipe

I have domestic broiler chickens put under the knife at the age of 8-9 weeks. The average weight of the processed carcass is 3.5 kg. Fat, one might say, no, lean meat.

Step 1. I free the thawed carcass from the skin (then I will cook porridge for the dog on it), cut the meat from the bones. I cut the meat into pieces. The size? “Well, about half a matchbox.

Cooked meat. This time I got from one chicken to 3 half-liter jars and to one jar of 650 ml. There is still some meat left. gone hot. Cooked meat. This time I got from one chicken to 3 half-liter jars and to one jar of 650 ml. There is still some meat left. gone hot.

Step 2. Carefully, with soda, wash half-liter jars and jars with a volume of 650 ml. I don’t use larger containers. After washing, I pour boiling water over the jars, but do not sterilize them. Meaning? After all, raw meat is not sterile.

Step 3. Cooking spices. I use only salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

Proportions: for a half-liter jar I take 1 teaspoon of salt, 5-6 peppercorns, half a medium-sized bay leaf. After the first preparation of the stew, the children told me that it was a little bland. So, this time I decided to take a teaspoon of salt with a little scarlet slide for a half-liter jar.

For a jar of 650 ml, respectively, we take 1 whole and 1/3 teaspoon of salt.

Step 4. I lay out spices and chicken in jars. At the bottom I pour 3-5 tablespoons of water (ordinary, from the tap, without ceremony), put pepper and bay leaf. Then I tightly lay the pieces of meat. When I reach halfway, add half of the salt. I report the meat to the top, pour the remaining half a spoon of salt (well, or a little more if the jar is not 0.5, but 0.65 l).

Banks are almost ready to be sent to the oven. Banks are almost ready to be sent to the oven. A layer of salt 2-3 mm thick is poured at the bottom of the baking sheet. A layer of salt 2-3 mm thick is poured at the bottom of the baking sheet.

Step 5 I’m preparing the pan. I sprinkle a decent layer of regular salt on it. In the process of languishing meat in the oven, broth will inevitably flow out of the jars through the top. If you do not sprinkle salt on the baking sheet, the smell of burning will spread throughout the house. And then washing the baking sheet is one torment.

Step 6. We close the necks of the jars with foil more tightly, put the jars on a baking sheet and send it to the COLD oven. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Step 7. After about 25-30 minutes, you need to slightly open the oven and make sure that the meat in the jars has given juice, and this juice is boiling. Now set the temperature to 140 degrees and leave the jars in the oven for an hour and a half.

For almost an hour and a half, I am completely free, I can do any business.

Step 8. Preparing lids for seaming cans. I use both eurocaps and regular ones, depending on which cans were available. I just boil the lids for 10 minutes in a small saucepan.

Step 9. After one and a half hours, I carefully remove the jars from the oven, remove the foil and roll up the lids. I put it in a corner to cool, cover with a terry towel.

The jars are out of the oven. After seaming, I wipe them with a damp cloth. The jars are out of the oven. After seaming, I wipe them with a damp cloth. I have an old, old, still grandmother’s seaming machine, it works flawlessly

How long does homemade stew last

I read that you can store up to a year, preferably in a cool place. Our first batch flew away with a bang (the sons did their best), so I can’t say anything about storage. The long-lived jar lasted only 3 weeks in the refrigerator. She asked her sons what they cooked from stew? They answer — they didn’t cook anything, so they ate it. The junior in the dorm ate three times a day until it ran out. The elder ate it for breakfast, took it with him on fishing trips.

I liked the recipe, the meat is tasty, it is prepared simply. On the way we have turkey, I think I will also cook according to the same recipe.

The only problem

What I didn’t really like was that there was not enough broth left in the jars — it flows out over the edge when stewing. I read that someone prepares stew by rolling jars with special thermal lids even before sending them to the oven. But, firstly, I have not seen such thermal lids for sale, and, secondly, it seems to me that when the liquid boils, hermetically sealed jars will burst in any way.

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